Monday, February 9, 2009

Your name here


Kid was it you in that shiny car, with the sky on your face and sun through your hair as outside the crisp wind sheared through my topaz pantaloons, I pedaling up the street on my rusty steed, and you California-rolling across the corner bend, and us locking gaze for a moment, for a breath, a warm breath, followed by a smile, a hot blush-worthy smile, shared, and then I pedaled on but my heart leapt at you and its tendrils grasped onto your heart’s as you pushed your pedal on this fine morning?

Or was it someone else?


  1. Haha I totally have these moments, both as bike rider and as driver.

  2. Awesome! After reading five words I just had to read it out loud as I went rather than in my head.
