Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Garden And All

Nothing depends on that red wheelbarrow
Sitting in the corner of the garden
I see it
And smile with the earthworms.
They wriggle up its iron haunches
Smiling and giggling.
Rain, chickens, hoes, vegetables
That garden is a city block
Or a deep-sea vent
Where extremophiles gurgle.
Oh silky puddles!
Confused pumpkin flowers!
You’re not the reason I’m here
With my arched rib bones
And cathedral heart.
Perpetual glaze of dragonflies
Song movements of the shadows
I see them
And take feather drop steps
So my sneakers stay clean.
Curious eyes
And I am inside
They miss my belt buckle.

1 comment:

  1. Extremophiles!
    This is so poignant and playful at the same time. I like the twist on the red wheel barrow, too.
