Thursday, February 12, 2009

Word meal.

Drip-slip-squeeze through your ears thick promiscuous blips
Supple succulent squids of linguistic fizz blitz
Crack-snapped letters burst bones, crunch thick cartilage tones
Anguished guilt-ridden moans blared from brassy trombones.

Sick words freeze foreign film, scummy suds, cough to kill.
Nostrils soar, breezes roar, vanquish dust from the sill
Air-cooled teeth, vacuum fresh, foment this cloudy front,
Sip-slip-burp through breath-tubes but out tumbles a grunt.

Crawling caves filled with filth, grimy life, God and shit,
Mix match mate, re-congeal, picnic on bits of grit.
Munch me more! Microcellular mandates: must build
For high-art sinks so low on a stomach unfilled.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the flow, the alliteration, the images
    It's so aesthetically pleasing to my ears

  2. Wow, I can tell you just went with it and somehow got really free. This might be my favorite so far.
