Monday, April 27, 2009

Tongue Twisters for Young Adults

Tongue twisters for young adults

Peter piper picked a pickled pepper off his peeper with a pair of prickly pincers but he popped off a peppy peeper portion with the pickled pepper. Now he only has two inches.

How much wood would or could a chick woodchuck suck without chucking sick chock if a chick woodchuck would suck thick chocked wood? Whatever amount, it would be splintery.

She sells her vagina by the seashore.

Red leather yellow leather bond Peggy’s bickering bachelorette prosties to the inbred porn bed frame.

Unique New Yorkers yearn to use new Youtube nudes with lube.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man this is crazy. The second one and last one are unbelievable
