Sunday, October 25, 2009

Things That Crunch

A pigeon’s vertebrae
A hard candy
A burnt sausage
A lightbulb put in too vigorously
A shard of glass under a steel boot.
A stomache
A tooth on too-hard candy
Time (busy and deadline-filled)
A peanut shell but not the peanut
A plastic cup thrown onto a landfill to join multitudes of its friends
Keyboard key strokes
Crab shell split open
The outside of a chicken nugget
The inside of a chicken nugget (bad)
A camera when you wind the film too far
A bike when you change gears wrong
Frozen liptstick
Yellowed newspaper pushed into a ball
What else?

1 comment:

  1. EW. a pigeon's vertebrae.
    haha inside of a chicken nugget (but also ew)
