Thursday, October 15, 2009

Perfectly Rainy Day

I gathered my fleece blanket around me, put on pajamas, and curled up in a big chair with a book and a good cup of tea. The rain fell in different tempos, different pitter-patters throughout the day. It was grey and blue outside, and there was no telling what time it was. Day passed into evening, and I periodically looked out from my window to see the deluge collect in promising puddles. I looked at you and you grinned ear to ear. We donned our rainboots and soaked ourselves silly. That night, we fell asleep with raindrops on our lips.


  1. This reminds me of why I love 100 words so much! It starts as an exercise in describing the day you've been in, finds beautiful ways of looking at things, finds a story-moment, and ends in such an amazing way. Well done!

  2. Oh and PS... check the last sentence for some accidental (I assume) repetition.
