Sunday, November 1, 2009

Closet Monster Part II

“Hello?” I said tentatively.

The door creaked open slowly, tentatively, but with purpose. For a disappointing moment, there was nothing but darkness.

Then, a vague outline made its presence known. My hand went to my table lamp, but a small voice said, “Please. We are comfortable in the darkness.”

A giant fuzzy creature wearing a fedora and peacoat stepped out onto my carpet.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance, my dear. I represent the closet monsters, and we have been waiting for you.”

“Me? Why?”

“Why? To become a fuzzy closet monster, silly!” He extended a fuzzy paw. “Come with me.”


  1. I wish I had read this and believed it when I was a kid!

  2. this is scary and lovely and stands alone -- i'd make it Closet Monster (without the part 2)
