Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What The Alphabet Reminds Me Of

A: Beach house.
B: Pregnant woman.
C: The moon eclipsing the sun.
D: Erect elephant ear.
E: Skyscraper.
F: Telephone pole.
H: Balance.
I: Geyser.
J: Handle to an umbrella.
K: Remote glacial valleys.
L: Firm carpentry.
M: Treasure map route.
N: Armed conflict over disputed borders.
O: Most planets.
P: Bus stop sign.
Q: Huckleberry bush.
R: Chutes and Ladders.
T: Door cracked open.
U: Concealed pit.
V: A duck paddling across a lake.
W: Stalactites.
X: Keyboard stand.
Y: Poetry, and in particular one poem by Robert Frost.
Z: My brainwaves when the sun heats my head.


  1. oh god i see absolutely all of them this is spectacular well DONE sir!

    and the phrasing is just perfect -- "most" planets -- which ones not?!

    love it!
