Wednesday, February 18, 2009


            Spirals shellacking sounds like papyrus stacking and a virus attacking but the breeze brings things meant for the trees, the leaves, the miniscule prophesies of a thousand degrees of periscopes and perishing hopes and cherishing various areas of hilarious precarious provisions that envision the missions and carry contortions so many revisions will bury the oceans and deliver the motions, the potions, the quotients so slivers are removed and misgivers are to prove the foundational spatial relational players of meditational prayers, the truth-sayers, the movement of stars and musical bars and everything, everywhere, the county fair, all my hair, and INFINITY!!!


  1. loooooooooove

    you also need to rap this. alot. or else i will.

  2. oh my god a rap would work so well. DO IT for the live reading
