Friday, February 6, 2009

I'd Say

I’d say I’m gloriously mediocre.

Solidly average.

I go just the way for other people,

And they usually do the same.


Things are always enough.

I’m never thirsty or hungry.

But I like my meat done medium.

I’d say I’m passionately apathetic.


I’d say I’m contently unfulfilled.

It was always too hot or too cold, anyway.

And the insistence was extreme.

So now, I’d say I’m perceptively numb.


Sometimes, I dream about lying on my bed,

Looking up at the ceiling.

Then I wake up, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.

And I’d say I’m extraordinarily satisfied,

…more or less


  1. Um, this is pretty much one of the best things i've read ever.

    i'm entirely in love with this poem.

  2. The last stanza is really incredible.
