Saturday, July 25, 2009


Being wedged into this airliner barreling through the night reminds me of some important credos that help to guide my life:
1. Airplane seats are inherently less comfortable than stretching out on the ground.
2. Meals served entirely wrapped in plastic are inherently faker and harder on intestinal tissue than any other food.
3. Between continents, people sneeze and snore and lean drowsily this way and that.
4. This is not the real world.
In rat-infested alleyways, on endless desert highways, in swaying penthouse suites, under logs with frogs, in mindless successions of neon, and literally everywhere else - the fourth credo also applies.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, amen to all of it. Especially #1 and #4.
    And the last sentence flows so well, it puts the Atrato River to shame.
