Monday, July 6, 2009

If The World Were Made Of Flannel

If the world were made of flannel the shiveringest Eskimo could wrap himself in the snow and be warm again. The leaves of the trees would change patterns before they became worn and moth-eaten and fall to the flannel ground. Car crashes would be a festive, tumbling inconvenience. Food would taste horribly if it weren’t for the delightfully sensuous way it rubbed against our flannel tongues. Flannel shirts would be the norm, and if it weren’t for the color and the pattern, pavement would be virtually indistinguishable from granite or the ocean floor. Flannel hugs would be the best.


  1. I love this!! I had flannel sheets until I came to college and they are the greatest.

    I especially love the flannel car crashes and leaves descriptions - really beautiful. This is so great!

  2. FLANNEL HUGS. you're a genius.
