Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Hostelers

They flounce, stride, or meander into hostels. The guys are unkempt and tend to wear the same types of pants. The girls wear makeup. Their most prized possession is their ability to recite a list of cities where they've been and are going next.

At night I fall asleep to discussions of theft, clubs, routes of travel, and drinking. Why are these people here? What experience are they having? What's the point?

In a practical sense, I see them spending more and more money every day; where does it come from? Do they earn it themselves, or does someone else?

1 comment:

  1. I like this because:
    a) FLOUNCE!
    b) The first part is so cynical and something I would think.
    c) The third part is something I'm wondering, too.
