Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ten 10-Word Stories

1. The dog sat on the porch, and that is life.

2. He was on the bus. I wasn’t. And I’m happy.

3. Coffee? I thought you’d never ask. Oh woops, wrong number.

4. Music blaring. An unheeded stop sign. No more girlscout cookies.

5. So frustrated with this chemical and that. Medicine? No, coke!

6. The bee flew around the room, stung someone, and died.

7. Kicked out of school. Now running successful business in Bahamas.

8. Walking by a maternity store with girlfriend. She pukes.

9. Serve lots of love. And laughter. And silliness. Seconds, please.

10. Third time’s the charm, right? Will you marry me? No.


  1. My favorites:

    1, 6, 8 also 2

    Hmm maybe I like animal's lives as a metaphor for our own... No but this is a great concept and well executed. A ten word story reminds me of the character in Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close who keeps a rolodex of famous people and people he's known where below each name is just one word that sums up their entire life.
