Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Tad Bit Dark

There is a fat girl in my art history class. Who sits there and knits during lecture. And at first I was amused. Oh isn’t that cute. Isn’t that nice. She has a sweet little practical hobby. Actually it’s sort of mesmerizing. Hands move so fast and all that string and knots and whatever. Then it gets old. And distracting. And worst of all, the fat girl is the most arrogant, know-it-all, loud mouth you can imagine. She interrupts a person’s comment, be it professor or student, with her one-word, dazzling summation of whatever the other person was taking too much of her precious knitting time to say. It’s now the 4th week of class and every time the bitch opens her mouth, my neighbor and I roll our eyes at each other, and we want to shove that stupid knitting needle down her throat.

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