Monday, March 16, 2009


I love: Drinking. Beer. Cheap. Keg stands. Chug. Red cups. Ping pong balls. Cup pyramids. Women. Sex. A la carte. Upside down. With two. Parties. Late nights. Later mornings. Saturday nights. Friday nights. Thursday nights. Occasional Wednesday nights. Fuck it, Tuesdays and Mondays too. Sunday sleep. Daylight’s for pussies. Hookah. Pot. Dorms. Chiclet lights. Bunks. Stained carpets. Home at break. Generic music. Dining halls. Trays. Buffets. Late night grease fest. T-shirts. Jeans Sneakers. Branded sweatshirts. Nicotine with alcohol. Blackouts. Hangovers. Sports. Football. Tailgates. Hotdogs with mustard and onions. Cheers. Screams. Bikes. No helmets. Class? it’s cah-lege. CALLEGE. Live it, bitch.


  1. i'm actually yearning for it a little. i want to have a week in spring of a bullshit callege experience, just so i know that i went there, lived it, lived beyond it, but did it.

    wanna join?
